Monday, June 27, 2011

Day Two of Blogging...

...and had a hard time posting to comments! I think it was a browser issue.

Anyway, many of you commented on the forums I unabashedly solicited critiques from, and just so you know, yes, this will include pictures of what I sew, cross stitch, and photograph. I have been cross stitching for about 25 years and sewing off and on for about 40. Quilting and cloth dollmaking have been in my life for about 8 years now. I also started writing fiction about 5 years ago and some day may send my rhyming children's book to a publisher, just for giggles. I took up photography last year hoping to meet some people (ok, men) but discovered it is a solitary habit - I have enough of those - so I decided to try my hand at blogging.

Enough about me, already! How about you? What are your hobbies? What do you like to do?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I thought I'd start a what I hope is an interactive blog where we can talk about sewing and crafting and books and pictures and family and what's going on in the world or in your own backyard. My motive for doing this is because if a make a commitment to this, maybe I will actually do more sewing and crafting, read more books and take more pictures instead of doing so much of it in my head. Ever get that way? There are so many things you'd like to get done and have even more started but for some reason they just get away from you.

Anyway, welcome to my blog and feel free to join in!