Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I thought I'd start a what I hope is an interactive blog where we can talk about sewing and crafting and books and pictures and family and what's going on in the world or in your own backyard. My motive for doing this is because if a make a commitment to this, maybe I will actually do more sewing and crafting, read more books and take more pictures instead of doing so much of it in my head. Ever get that way? There are so many things you'd like to get done and have even more started but for some reason they just get away from you.

Anyway, welcome to my blog and feel free to join in!


Jeane said...

Hi Nancy, welcome to blog land. I am quite new to blogging and it is lots of work at first and takes time to get people to post comments and become followers. Everyone likes pictures. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy, good luck from France with your blog! Hope to see a lot of what you do and what's on your mind. Found you through the quiltingboard.....Pinot

Nancy said...

Hi Jeane! It is unfamiliar territory but I'm giving it a shot. Thanks for the advice.

Hi Pinot! It will probably be a slow start but I hope to post regularly after I figure it all out. Thanks for commenting!